It’s January again!  I’m not sure if it is because I am getting older or because the earth is indeed spinning faster every year, but I am really finding it difficult to keep up with the speed time seems to be flowing at the moment.  However, time is not only a concept of measure but actually forms a large part of our core believes and function.

Yes, everything we do as living organisms is dependent, in some capacity, on time.  The concept is so complex that scientists still argue whether it exists or if it is an illusion. 

If you feel really cerebral then please watch this clip where an astrophysicist, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and a neuroscientist discuss if time actually does exist.

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And there you have it, we all still function in time, we think, feel, remember, act and so forth in time and we use it to regulate our lives, relationships, future plans and goals; in short we live by it.

Time is fleeting, time is fluid, time is enduring, and perhaps time does heal; let us really try to be very aware of this during 2023 and above all to try and live in the present time!