Mindful eating
Why it is ok to
eat what you want?
Mindfulness is trendy right now. Mindful living, mindful breathing, mindful exercise, even mindful eating. Mindfulness is the act of focusing attention on the present-moment experiences.
Apply that to a meal, and mindful eating means actually paying attention to the food you’re eating, making you less likely to thoughtlessly plow through a bag of potato chips, for instance. Mindful eating means being fully aware of what you are eating and how you are eating it. This should help you to think more carefully about what you choose to eat and how to notice the thoughts, sensations and feelings that take place while you are eating.
Fast food, eating on the go and the many distractions of modern life have led to lots of us becoming out of touch with our hunger and ‘mindlessly’ eating foods that leave us feeling unsatisfied. We will often eat more than we really need which in turn lead to people to gaining weight. Mindful eating is an opportunity for you to recognize and change these behaviors by learning to regain control over how you feel and eat, and to enjoy and feel satisfied with the food you choose.
Slow down when eating
Take time to pause while you are eating by putting your cutlery down between bites. Make sure you chew thoroughly will also help you to feel full before you have overeaten, which will help you to eat less over time.
Start by eating one meal a day in a slower, more aware manner. Maybe set a timer for 20 minutes and take the whole time to eat the meal. Also eat with your non-dominant hand or try using chopsticks.
Remember to avoid distractions
Try to avoid eating while watching TV, using your phone, driving or reading. You might also try to avoid eating while working so that you can really enjoy your food in the moment.
Listen to your body
Try to avoid eating while watching TV, using your phone, driving or reading. You might also try to avoid eating while working so that you can really enjoy your food in the moment.
Use all of your five senses
Sight, touch, smell, taste and sound can be used to fully appreciate the experience of eating.
Learn to be in tune with your thoughts and feelings
Recognize when you are eating for reasons other than hunger. There are alternative routes in dealing with your feelings, that than reaching for food
“Mindful eating is about awareness. When you eat mindfully you slow down, pay attention to the food you are eating and savor every bite”
Susan Alberts